2 October 2012

Them Damn Butterflys Again!

It's that tight feeling in my stomach again. That horrible knot, twisting at my insides telling me to run away and hide. Oh I would love to run away and hide, but sadly I have to attend this interview. I'm half an hour early with nothing to do but sit and think of the upcoming interrogation and how stupid I'll make myself look. I should have stayed in bed a bit longer.

In all seriousness, I think we all go into things like this thinking of how stupid we might look or saying the wrong thing. As it turns out, this probably makes us more likely to fall over a chair or accidentally tell them about the time you got fired for eating all the cream cakes in the bakery. I think the key to nailing any job interview is confidence and enthusiasm, but this requires a calm mind. I wish that damn knot would go away! Maybe one of my beta blockers will help...

Writing that only took up three minutes. What do I do with the other 27? I should probably sit and think about how I can put a positive spin on my weaknesses (not sure how you make being rubbish at everything particularly positive!). I really dislike the whole interview culture. They ask the same old questions and look for the same answers time and time again. It's almost like learning lines for a big part in a play, but then you turn up and actually your only the under study. A lot of effort and an overall disappointingly heart breaking experience.

It may sound like I'm being down hearted and lacking the enthusiasm I mentioned was key to job interviews, but I'm not. I'm really quite positive. Maybe because this is a christmas temp job as a mail center sorter and If I don't get it, I should be put down.

Seven minutes down, 23 to go. Oh time flies when you're having fun.

On Monday, I have my second interview for a role within the NHS at Southmead Hospital. I'm really hopeful I will get one of the two positions available as there are only about 6 candidates. 1 in 3 chance, not bad huh? Especially when the only real requirements were to "be able to understand english and follow instructions". I think I may qualify, don't you?

Nine minutes have passed now. I guess I should stop writing and begin the nervous pacing around the living room for the remaining 21.



  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Stacie! :) You'll be pleased to hear, I got offered the Job! It's a shame it doesn't start until the end of November, but it's something at least.
