24 August 2012


Inspirations and perspective come from the strangest of places. In this case, I guess I can blame the TV show Man V Food (who doesn't love watching Adam Richman stuffing his face with a giant burger?!).

The other day, me and a housemate got talking about travelling around America to sample all the amazing foods and it ended in a serious conversation about where we would go, how we would do it and expenses etc. I've always wanted to travel and have wondered when I would get around to it. After a bit of googling, we discovered it could cost about £5,000 for 6 months in the states which will take a lot of saving up! Not to mention getting 6 months off of work.

I already have some tentative travel plans for the future as well, and the list of places I want to visit is endless. It was this conversation that started off my thought process (no "You? Thinking?!" jokes please). It hit me, that I'm only 21 and I have a good fifty years until retiring age, atleast (fingers crossed). I don't have to become a Paramedic anytime soon.

Don't get me wrong, it is my lifes ambition to join the NHS ambulance service but maybe I would benefit from taking my time to get there. It's not an easy decision to make and I'm going to have to think about it a lot, but after weighing up my options it seems that maybe I should get a job and save up to travel. It would mean I don't have to take huge amounts of time off while working as a Paramedic, but I can gain some kind of clinical experience and do voluntary work instead. The way I see it is I have one of two directions to choose. A lot of people say things like 'better people take the harder, less travelled path' but I think this is more of a case of enjoyment. I'm not really sure.

Anyway, I could ramble on for a long time with my thoughts going in circles. I think you get the picture and I really have a lot of thinking to do. I guess what I can take from this for the immediate future is that I have plenty of time and I should just slow down.


I also watched the BBC 999 Awards last week. I have to say, it was really good to see that the emergency services are getting some sort of public recognition for the incredible jobs they all do. I also couldn't help noticing that they all mentioned teamwork as a huge part of what they do, and they couldn't have done it without their crewmates. I think it just goes to show what sort of people do these life saving jobs. Incredibly selfless and humble, all they care about is helping people and doing their job well.


I hope this didn't sound too jumbled, I wrote this a while ago. I didn't want to change any of it because it kind of captures my confusion and thought process at the time, while it was fresh.

Finally, my exams are over and done with and I am all moved in! The latter went well, and I am not sure about the first. I guess we'll see soon.

I am off to a family gathering tomorrow night and I hope you all have a great weekend! Catch you next week.

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